I created the “Travellers’ Tales” section to give other travellers an opportunity to talk about their travels. Today I would like to introduce you to Amber, a travel blogger based in New Zealand. Visit her blog at “We, The Lost Girls ”.
I would love to hear about your travels too. Go to “Travellers’ Tales” , fill in the quick questionnaire and email it to me with your blog links.
I'm just a girl from little old New Zealand who would love to see more of the world. I want to start being more mindful and ethical on my travels and have adventures at the same time. If I could inspire just one person to travel somewhere, that would be a job well done in my mind!
Hearing stories as a child from my family who are really well travelled, like my uncle who travelled around Africa, ended up wrongfully imprisoned for a while and bought me back a scary witch doctor doll, or my grandmother who spent three months in the States as a teenager and heard Martin Luther King Jr speak.
I really enjoyed jumping off Cloud 9 (a big floating pontoon with a bar and pizzas, sheltered from the ocean by a sandbank), the water was insanely clear and I could've spent all day there just relaxing and snorkelling around.
Has to be Hawaii, I went with my partner and we visited 4 of the islands in just under 3 weeks. There was just so much to see and do, and we drove ourselves around so were able to discover so many hidden gems. The people were incredibly friendly and we made friends for life along the way. When we went snorkelling on a whale spotting trip, I could hear them underwater, it was absolutely magical.
Going a bit broader, I would have to say Europe at the moment. I've only done a short trip covering some of the highlights, but there are so many more places I'm hearing about and would love to explore some day soon.
Take in as much as possible! There's history around every corner, it's so fascinating.
I love travelling with friends, I think there's not as much pressure as travelling with a partner and I tend to argue a lot with my family when travel gets stressful!
It's gonna sound awful, but my phone! I keep everything on there. If I know I won't have Wifi I'll screenshot my tickets and maps etc, obviously great for keeping in touch and up to date, and if I don't want to take my big camera, my phone takes pretty decent photos!
Put aside some time to do a bit of exploring yourself, you'd be amazed at what you can find and you'll have a sense of accomplishment for not being shown everything by someone else.
Well, I want to visit as many as possible, but the top of my list is Iceland!
Instagram: Wethelostgirlsnz
Thank you, Amber, for sharing your travels with us!
I would love to hear about your travels too. Go to “Travellers’ Tales”, fill in the quick questionnaire and email it to me with your blog links.
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Sara Essop is a travel blogger and writer based in South Africa. She writes about family travel and experiences around the world. Although she has been to 50 countries thus far, she especially loves showcasing her beautiful country and is a certified South Africa Specialist.
Interesting interview! Ilove the family history in travel.
Yes, that was fascinating -especially about Amber's uncle travelling around Africa and her grandmother!