Win VIP tickets to the National Achievers Congress with Robert Kiyosaki

Win VIP tickets to the National Achievers Congress with Robert Kiyosaki

This competition is now closed. The winner is Enricoh Alfonzo Naidu !

Congratulations Enricoh!

I am giving away 2 VIP tickets to the National Achievers Congress 2016 with Robert Kiyosaki on 9 and 10 July. Scroll below to enter.

About Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki is best known as the author of 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad',  one of the best personal finance books of all time, which has challenged and changed the way millions of people around the world think about money. He is also an investor, a businessman, a motivational speaker and one of the leading voices in educating people in the area of developing their own personal finances.

About the seminar

Over this two-day seminar, you will hear from experts in business, the stock market, and property, who will share with you exactly how you can use these vehicles to get you moving towards the life of your dreams. You will walk away with a goal, a plan, a strategy and the business connections to support you in your journey.


Keynote speaker:

  • Robert Kiyosaki

Other speakers:

  • Peng Joon: World’s leading authority in online wealth creation
  • JT Foxx: World’s leading wealth coach
  • Barry Mitchell: Sales and leadership expert
  • Robin Banks: International speaker and personal mastery coach
  • Tom Wheelwright: Tax expert and Robert Kiyosaki advisor


Financial education:

  • Learn the most effective ways to make your money work harder for you (instead of working hard for your money

Systems for success:

  • Develop skills in business and leadership that will be practical for you
  • Learn sales and marketing tools, how to motivate and develop your staff
  • Generate more profit with cutting-edge strategies

Investment opportunities:

  • Find the asset classes that will work best for you - property, stocks, commodities, Forex
  • Learn how to leverage them for maximum profit and minimum risk

To be inspired:

  • Discover ways to find fulfillment in your life by dreaming big, contributing to a cause greater than yourself, and living a life according to your design

The ticket includes

  • Admission for 2 days in VIP Seating Section
  • Event Workbook
  • Success Toolbox Bonus Download

To win 2 VIP tickets to the National Achievers Congress 2016 with Robert Kiyosaki on 9 and 10 July, enter via the form below.

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To win tickets to "The Billionaire Generation Convention", click here.

8 comments on “Win VIP tickets to the National Achievers Congress with Robert Kiyosaki”

  1. I've heard someone making reference to Robert K books. How he did to get it to market despite lack of interest from bookshop. Now this present an opportunity for one to learn more and be geared up for action. To change that which within my reach. Will to bring the student in me

    How bless you

  2. Blimey this is an awesome giveaway! #Madlove! Rich dad poor dad changed my perception on so many things. To hear Robert live would be a dream come true. I was intending to go regardless but two VIP tickets would be heaven sent. 🙂

  3. I'd love to be part of the National Achievers Congress 2016 to learn more insights on how to succeed and play a pivotal role in both my community and South Africa. I trust with this comment, I'll be considered as a winner that will in turn make a difference in my life and those around me.

    Understanding and learning ways to succeed as a young entrepreneur is my utmost determination.

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