Meet Erin Southerland from “Travel Well With Erin”

Meet Erin Southerland from “Travel Well With Erin”

I created the “Travellers’ Tales” section earlier this year to give other travellers an opportunity to talk about their travels. Today I would like to introduce you to Erin Southerland, a writer and wellness coach based in Pittsburgh, USA. She blogs at “Travel Well With Erin” .
I would love to hear about your travels too. Go to “Travellers’ Tales” , fill in the quick questionnaire and email it to me with your blog links.

Read about Erin’s travels here,

Travel questionnaire

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m a writer based in my adopted home of Pittsburgh where I have been living for seven years. I love this city because living here is a bit like traveling since it’s so different from where I grew up in the Adirondack Mountains and there’s always something new to do here. I live with my husband, who works in higher education. We have a lovable old beagle named Geordi and a fiesty cat named Aayla. I love to travel and see new things, but I also really value my time to be a “boring” homebody.

Erin Southerland

Double rainbow at the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

2. What is your earliest travel memory?

My earliest travel memory is flying from Florida to New York when I was in first or second grade. It was just my Dad and me. He signed me up for my first frequent flier miles card with US Airways, I got to see the cockpit and shake hands with the pilot, and I kept the wrapper from my airplane cookie in my jacket pocket for years. I still love flying, but I don’t keep my snack wrappers anymore.

3. Where was your last holiday?

I just got home from a small town in Pennsylvania visiting friends and their new baby.

4. What was the best thing you did there?

We took the baby on his first ever trip to a restaurant. He was so perfectly well behaved and the restaurant is really fun. It’s a family diner called Bingham’s off I-81. Their pies are amazing, especially the caramel apple pie.

5. What was your best holiday ever? Why?

Oh, that’s such a tough question. I have several that I like for different reasons. One of the best was a road trip with my husband across Ireland. He’d never left the US before so I planned the whole thing. I loved watching him experience Ireland for the first time while I saw a side of it I never had before. Our favorite part was the West coast, especially County Clare.

A pair of donkeys in County Clare, Ireland

A pair of donkeys in County Clare, Ireland

6. What is your favourite travel destination?

Florence, Italy is like a third home to me (after Pittsburgh and the Adirondacks). I know the streets well and it’s the perfect blend of relaxing plus experiencing a culture totally different from home. It’s where I go if I want a really chilled trip outside the USA.

7. What must one do there?

Go walking in the evening and early morning. The streets are a completely different scene at these times when the streets aren’t crowded with day trippers and the locals have free time for things like shopping at the market and the evening passegiata (leisurely stroll).

8. Name one item you must have when travelling.

Extra underwear. I hate getting down to the last pair because you never know what might happen. Especially if you have Crohn’s disease like I do!

9. Your best travel advice?

Be chilled and flexible. Almost every travel problem you face will have a solution and the solutions are easier to come by if you’re not trapped in a strict itinerary. I like to make an itinerary so I know what I want to do, but I’m totally open to completely throwing out the itinerary if needed.

10. The one place you want to visit before you die?

Venice, by myself, for 2 - 4 weeks in November. It’s the first foreign destination I’ve ever dreamt of traveling to. I saw it on PBS (US TV channel) when I was 4 or 5 years old. Though I’ve been before, I’ve never had the time to really explore and enjoy it like I’ve always dreamed of doing.

11. How can people contact you?




Snapchat: username travelwellwerin

Erin Southerland

Thank you, Erin , for sharing your fascinating travels with us!

I would love to hear about your travels too. Go to "Travellers’ Tales", fill in the quick questionnaire and email it to me with your blog links.

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