I created the “Travellers’ Tales” section to give my readers and other travellers an opportunity to talk about their travels. Today I would like to introduce you to Lisa, a travel blogger based in New Zealand. Visit her blog at "Losing Your Feet".
I would love to hear about your travels too. Go to “Travellers’ Tales” , fill in the quick questionnaire and email it to me with your blog links.
Read about Lisa’s travels here,
I'm Lisa, a 27 year-old Canadian, currently living in New Zealand. I run the travel blog, "Losing Your Feet". When I left home in February, I told all my friends I'd be home in 8 months (maybe a year). This has turned out to be a blatant lie. It has now been 8 months and I'm planning to extend my visa for a second year. Whoops.
I love to take photos, and the amazing scenery at every turn around this little country has filled up my memory cards and phone on the regular. Because I'm travelling slowly, I'm trying to make a point to notice all the 'small moments' that life has to offer, like finding a great new café, or fawning over some of the unique native plants they've got down here. It's not all bungy jumping, zorbing, and hobbits down here!
When I was a kid, we never really went on 'big' family vacations, but we did do plenty of little trips throughout Ontario, often for my brother's hockey tournaments (I know, please get a little more Canadian - why don't I?). We spent a weekend in Kingston, Ontario when I was about 9 and that one really stood out for me.
Kingston is an historic city by Canadian standards, and it was one of the first places I remember going to that had such old looking buildings and architecture. There wasn't a lot of time for sightseeing on those trips, in between all the hockey games, but my Dad took me to see a lookout of the St. Lawrence River, and I think from that moment I was hooked.
My last 'holiday' was actually at home in Canada! We get out of Toronto for a week or two every summer and head up to a cottage. I had missed two years of being there while I was living in Australia, and told myself I'd never miss a year there again. So without telling anyone in my family, I booked a 31-hour journey home and surprised them at the cottage! I am so happy that I went, it was the perfect holiday.
However, trying to pull it off without anyone knowing was one of the most nerve-wracking things I've ever done! I had to sneak back into my parents house to collect some things while they were at work and my heart didn't stop pounding until I was locking the door behind me.
Just soaking up the sun! It was winter in New Zealand at the time, but a balmy 30 degrees in Canada. We've known all the other families that head up to the lake for about 20 years, so its like one big family reunion each year. The best part is just getting to spend time with people that you love, especially when you're often so far from home.
My best-ever holiday was a 9 day tour from Darwin to Broome, Western Australia. There were 20 of us on a four wheel drive bus and we camped out under the most amazing stars every night. Northern Australia and Western Australia are such stunning, and I think underrated, parts of the country. The landscape is always gorgeous, if not awe-inspiring, and there are much fewer tourists than you get on the East Coast. Sleeping on the ground in the middle of absolutely nowhere might not be for everyone, but I couldn't think of a better way to get to know a country.
Broome, Western Australia is my favourite travel destination. It is quite a small, quiet town between Perth and Darwin, but it is a great tourist spot. There's a total range of accommodation from budget to luxury, one of the best beaches (and sunsets!) in the world, a unique cultural history, and lots to do. Plus, three months of daily perfect weather, if you like the heat.
Learn about pearl diving! Pearling used to be the main industry of the town, and it has such an interesting, if a bit dark, history. Even if going to one of the pearl farms is outside of your budget, there is a great talk given daily about its past. You even get to try pearl meat! And if that doesn't suit your fancy, you have got to go to Matso's Brewery in town and try the house-made mango beer. Its like nothing else.
My favourite travel companion is my boyfriend, James. He's an Aussie, so he's laid-back and pretty up for anything. We have a great partnership in that I do most of the research/planning, and he does all the driving. I think its really important to travel with people who want to get similar things out of a trip, and we both certainly do.
A sarong. Even when I'm somewhere that doesn't have a beach, it comes in handy every time. It can be an extra sheet, pillow case, towel, carrying bag, sun shield, shawl, scarf, whatever you need. I'm a bit in love with my sarong.
Roll with the punches. Too often I hear people saying that their entire trip was ruined by a loud person at the hostel or something equally as trivial. Try and think about how awesome what you're doing is, and how inconsequential those small annoyances really are. And at the end of the day, it’s all going to add up to a great story to tell.
Mongolia! Ever since I saw a National Geographic feature about how they use golden eagles to hunt (and then release them to continue the species), I've been absolutely entranced. The way of life of their nomadic people is just so different from anything I could imagine on their own, I really want to see it for myself. The epic landscapes are also calling me.
The amount of times I've gotten in a shower at a hostel only to realise I've forgotten my towel is embarrassing. As is the run back to my room, usually in very damp pyjamas!
You can follow my adventures at Losing Your Feet.
Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your fascinating travels with us!
I would love to hear about your travels too. Go to “Travellers’ Tales”, fill in the quick questionnaire and email it to me with your blog links.
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Sara Essop is a travel blogger and writer based in South Africa. She writes about family travel and experiences around the world. Although she has been to 50 countries thus far, she especially loves showcasing her beautiful country and is a certified South Africa Specialist.