Travellers’ Tales – Meet Julie from "Why Not Ju"

Meet Julie from "Why Not Ju"

I created the “Travellers’ Tales” section to give other travellers an opportunity to talk about their travels. Today I would like to introduce you to Julie , a travel blogger based in Norway . She blogs at Why Not Ju.

I would love to hear about your travels too. Go to “Travellers’ Tales, fill in the quick questionnaire and email it to me with your blog links.

Read about Julie’s travels here,

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m Julie, a 25 year old girl from Bergen in Norway. I’ve always loved traveling, but my love for travel really started when I did an exchange semester in Budapest back in 2014. I got to know people from all over the world, and with some of my new friends we also did a few trips around Europe. After that I’ve spent every free second traveling, my longest trip being a backpacking trip across Latin America that ended up lasting for about 2 years. I love getting to know new cultures, making local friends and learning new languages.

2. What is your earliest travel memory?

My earliest travel memories are from road trips with my parents both during summer and winter. We packed the car full - my luggage mostly consisting of a selection of teddy bears - and then we headed off on vacation driving around in Scandinavia.

3. Where was your last trip to?

My last longer trip was when I went back to South America after a couple of months back in Norway. I spent some time in Bahia in Brazil before I met up with my boyfriend. Together we traveled through some of Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Paraguay. It was an incredible adventure and this continent never ceases to amaze me with its beautiful views and experiences.

4. What was the best thing you did there?

I got to visit friends that I made during my former travels around South America. We spent time together in their hometowns where they showed me around and treated me like family. I also got to see some amazing places like the province of Jujuys in Argentina, the Iguazu Waterfalls and even couchsurfed in a theater in Montevideo. Still, being able to once again connect with friends in another country was my favourite.

5. What was your best travel experience ever? Why?

I have to say that my travels in South America made for my best travel experience so far. I learned so much during my time there and really view travel in a different way after leaving. There is something about traveling without a deadline (other than my budget) that feels so freeing. I loved learning the language, finding volunteer jobs in new places and taking time to stay longer in cities when I felt like it.Meet Julie from Why Not Ju

6. What is your favourite travel destination?

There are so many places that hold a special place in my heart, and all for different reasons. Still, one of my absolute favourite destinations must be Nicaragua. The country has everything from amazing beaches, volcanos to hike, cute colonial towns and lakes. Traveling there was an absolute dream and you can find activities for everyone there.

7. What is the one thing one must do there?

You have to visit Omotepe, an island made out of two volcanos, located in a middle of a huge lake in the south of Nicaragua close to the Costa Rican border. Rent a scooter and explore the island, hike, swim on the beaches and visit the natural springs there.

8. Who is your favourite travel companion/s?

I actually love traveling solo, it gives you so much more freedom in deciding your travel route and activities. I also feel that when I travel alone I’m more accessible to meeting new people, and being spontaneous. Still, in more recent times, my favourite travel companion is my boyfriend, even though I still do go on solo adventures now and then.

9. Name one item you must have when travelling.

As I mostly backpack when I travel, my absolute must-have has become packing cubes. I wouldn’t be able to live out of a backpack without them. It makes it so much easier to find things in a backpack, unpack and repack quickly and stay organized.

10. Your best travel advice?

Dare to follow your dreams, then follow your gut. Also, remember to take in the culture where you travel, not just the sights.

11. The one place you want to visit before you die?

There are so many, so could I just say Mother Earth? But seriously, I would love to road trip through Africa! I still haven’t visited Africa and I would love to spend a couple of months there, to get to know more about this continent that I feel like I know way too little about.

12. How can people connect with you?

On my blog Why Not Ju.

Also, feel free to connect with me on Instagram, and Facebook

Thank you, Julie , for sharing your fascinating adventures with us!

I would love to hear about your travels too. Go to “Travellers’ Tales, fill in the quick questionnaire and email it to me with your blog links.

Who will I feature next? I’ve got an exciting line-up ahead. Make sure you subscribe to the free newsletter so you don’t miss out on some exciting travel tales.

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