Travellers’ Tales – Meet Rachel from The RX for Travel

Meet Rachel from The RX for Travel

I created the “Travellers’ Tales” section to give other travellers an opportunity to talk about their travels on my blog. Today I would like to introduce you to Rachel, a pharmacist and travel blogger based in Florida, USA. She blogs at The RX for Travel.

I would love to hear about your travels too. Go to “Travellers’ Tales, fill in the quick questionnaire and email it to me with your blog links.

Read about Rachel’s travels here,

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

Hi! I’m Rachel. I’m a clinical pharmacist, mom of 2 with a gluten and lactose intolerance. Now, I’m adding “travel blogger” to that list. I love traveling and have been traveling since childhood. Traveling was a learning curve for me when I developed food allergies and started having kids. I’m hoping my travels inspire others to believe that with a little extra planning - no matter the situation - traveling can be done and be enjoyable.

2. What is your earliest travel memory?

We moved from New York to Florida when I was about 8 years old. Our house in New York hadn’t been sold yet, so my mom and I went by Amtrak train back and forth frequently to visit my dad in Florida. To this day, train travel holds a special place in my heart. I will often find opportunities to travel by train when I travel.

3. Where was the last place you travelled to?

During my maternity leave earlier this year, we went back to New York to visit family and also took a staycation to Orlando and Tampa, Florida.

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4. What was the best thing you did there?

In Tampa, we loved the Florida Aquarium. It had so many hands-on exhibits and trainer talks which was a win with the kids. They also have a beautiful splash pad outside overlooking the water -a nice escape from the Florida heat. In Orlando, no trip is complete unless you’ve been to Walt Disney World. After going to Disney for the 20+ years I’ve lived in Florida, it’s still just as magical.

Although I’m a born New Yorker, there is so much to do and see there, that the list of things I have yet to see is long and ongoing. A couple of years back, I finally went to Ellis Island to see the Statue of Liberty up close. She was a grand lady. It was amazing to see all the history there and retrace the steps of my own ancestors coming to America from Italy.

5. What was your best holiday ever? Why?

Tough question. Hard to choose just one, because each place is special for a different reason. North Carolina is where my husband proposed, Alaska was my first pharmacy school rotation, Greece was my first time out of the country, and Montréal, Canada was our first time traveling as a family. I also always love my travels with my mom.

6. What is your favourite travel destination?

My best friend and I went to Australia for almost a month. We started out in Cairns snorkelling the Great Barrier Reef. Travelled by train down to Sydney. Along the way, we made stops at Airlie Beach to see the Whitsunday Islands and Brisbane. Once we got to Sydney, we did some sightseeing, but then also lived like a local for a couple of weeks.

7. What must one do there?

Great Barrier Reef, Whitsunday Island, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House, Sydney Botanical Gardens. We also went to Featherdale Wildlife Park in Sydney. It was more of an animal sanctuary rather than a zoo experience. Most animals that could be, were roaming freely for petting and feeding.

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8. Who is your favourite travel companion/s?

My husband. He loves to travel and had travelled quite a bit himself before we ever met. He is easy going with whatever itinerary I plan and stays calm in pretty much all situations.

9. Name one item you must have when travelling.

Definitely, my phone. It’s my music on the plane, my map at my destination, my camera for memories, and my connection to my family to let them know I’m safe and having lots of fun.

10. Your best travel advice?

Food allergies and kids make planning ahead very important. With each trip, I’ve learned to plan even more than I did the time before. Especially true when it comes to food. Depending on where you go, knowing a couple of phrases translated to another language can make dining out much easier and keep you healthy for the journey.

11. The one place you want to visit before you die?

As the saying goes, I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.

12. How can people connect with you?


Instagram: @therxfortravel

Facebook: The Rx For Travel

Pinterest: The Rx For Travel Blog

Thank you, Rachel , for sharing your fascinating adventures with us!

I would love to hear about your travels too. Go to “Travellers’ Tales, fill in the quick questionnaire and email it to me with your blog links.

Who will I feature next? I’ve got an exciting line-up ahead. Make sure you subscribe to the free newsletter so you don’t miss out on some exciting travel tales.

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