Travellers’ Tales – Meet Anisa from Two Traveling Texans

Meet Anisa from Two Traveling Texans

I created the “Travellers’ Tales” section to give my readers and other travellers an opportunity to talk about their travels. Today I would like to introduce you to Anisa, a travel blogger from Texas who is now based in New York City. She blogs at Two Traveling Texans  with Katherine.

 I would love to hear about your travels too. Go to “Travellers’ Tales, fill in the quick questionnaire and email it to me with your blog links.

Read about Anisa’s travels here,

1. Tell us a bit about yourself

I grew up in Texas, but after college, my career took me to Phoenix, and eventually to the Big Apple.  I absolutely love living in New York City and I love showing out-of-town guests a little bit of what NYC has to offer.  Also, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to visit 33 different countries across 5 continents and can’t wait to add more to the list.  I try to plan my trips so that I make the most of my vacation days and together with my friend Katherine on our blog, Two Traveling Texans, we aim to help our readers do the same.

2. What is your earliest travel memory?

I was lucky to travel a lot as a child.  One of my earliest memories was going to the Eiffel Tower when I was 6.  I remember being scared to death of the elevators that go at an angle.  Once I got to the top I loved it and I have been back a couple times since.

3. Where was your last holiday?

My last holiday was a road trip in England and Scotland.  We only had a week but we got to see so much.  Isle of Skye and the Lake District were just beautiful and York and Edinburgh are so full of history.  Plus, we went searching for Nessie in Loch Ness.

Anisa in Cambridge Traveling Texans

Anisa in Cambridge

4. What was the best thing you did there?

I really enjoyed it all, but I think my favorite might have been hiking in Isle of Skye.  I didn’t expect to see so many waterfalls.  Even though the weather wasn’t always perfect, it is definitely one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to.

5. What was your best holiday ever? Why?

I have had a lot of great vacations but my trip to Spain with my boyfriend, Russell, for my birthday was very special.  We went to Barcelona, San Sebastian, Rioja, and Bilbao.  We really packed in a lot of great activities, met some great people, and had so much good food and wine!

Anisa in Barcelona

Anisa in Barcelona

6. What is your favourite travel destination?

It is hard to pick one favorite, but I will have to say Italy.  I have been twice.  Once when I did a 2 week tour of the country and then another time I was lucky enough to visit Rome for work.

7. What is the one thing one must do there?

There is so much but my favorite thing to do there is eat! The food there is so delicious.  I love truffles and in Italy it is a lot more affordable that the US.  Oh and you also must try the gelato!

Traveling Texans

Anisa at a cooking class in San Sebastian Spain

8. Who is your favourite travel companion/s?

I have been lucky to have several amazing travel companions.  Of course I love traveling with the other “Traveling Texan” Katherine, but my favorite would have to be my boyfriend Russell.  We always have a great time together, we enjoy the same things (for the most part), and he helps me plan the trips.

9. Name one item you must have when travelling.

I end up taking a lot of overnight flights so I am going to say my neck pillow.  It has really helped me get better quality sleep on planes so that I arrive more well rested.  Plus, since it is a University of Texas Longhorn pillow, I get to show off my school pride.

10. Your best travel advice?

Do your homework.  Even if you are just going for a relaxing vacation make sure you research the place you are going to stay.  Also, always a good idea for you to know about what the destination has to offer, even if you don’t take advantage of it.  I do spend a lot of time planning and researching my trips and I know it pays off.  Reading blogs and online reviews are great ways to prepare and decide what you want to do and where to stay.

11. The one place you want to visit before you die?

I have a lot of places I want to visit before I die! I haven’t been to Africa and I want to visit Cape Town.

12. Please include your blog/social media links.






Thank you, Anisa , for sharing your fascinating travels with us!

I would love to hear about your travels too. Go to “Travellers’ Tales, fill in the quick questionnaire and email it to me with your blog links.

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